

Smarter and Healthier Cities for a Better Future

The Conference will be organized under the theme, "Smarter and Healthier Cities for a Better Future", with the following sub-themes to guide the discussions in the Mayors' Forum, plenary and parallel sessions.
Building a blueprint for smart healthy cities with true connectivity and collaboration
Building a blueprint for a smart and healthy city means recognizing the essential components of people, environment, and systems, and the need to intelligently connect and collaboratively integrate them.
This session will be a place to discuss the smart health cities that each city envisions.
We will look at the values and directions that smart healthy cities should firmly pursue, the concepts and principles that underpin smart healthy cities, and the intelligent connectivity of citizens and cities to promote health.
Creating a sustainable and resilient healthy city for the future
Recently, there has been a growing societal demand for cities to cultivate sustainability and resilience in response to health crises. The imperative to create sustainable and resilient urban environments in the context of health disasters has become critical.
In this session, we will focus on the urgent need to bring sustainability and resilience to healthy cities. We will explore alternative strategies tailored to respond to the climate crisis, emphasizing the importance of creating sustainable and healthy urban environments.
This includes initiatives such as creating a secure food supply and promoting healthy food environments, which are critical components for the future well-being of our cities. We will also explore strategic approaches to building a sustainable, safe and healthy city, with a particular focus on the needs of the next generation.
Achieving health equity in the city: Our Commitment and Initiatives
Achieving health equity in the city requires organized, systematic, and collaborative efforts among stakeholders. Systematic action to reduce social and economic inequities and effective policy development are essential. This comprehensive approach is critical to promoting balanced development and maintaining a healthy urban environment.
The session will explore strategies for improving health equity in the context of a healthy city and discuss approaches to reducing health inequities.
Topics of discussion will include inclusive growth for a socially and economically equitable healthy city, efforts to reduce social and economic inequities, and the promotion of age-friendly healthy cities that support healthy aging.