Terms of use

Section 1. General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these terms of service (these “Terms of Service”) is to stipulate the rights, obligations, responsibilities, and other necessary matters between [The 10th Global Conference of the Alliance for Healthy Cities] (the “Secretariat”) and the Members regarding the use of event services and related services (the “Services”) provided on the Website (www.afhc2024-seoul.kr/en) by the Secretariat so that the interests of both parties can be reasonably coordinated and a seamless service system can be operated and maintained.

Article 2 (Definitions)

The key terms set forth in these Terms of Service are defined as follows. Terms that are not stipulated below or terms that are not separately defined in these Terms of Service shall be used and interpreted in accordance with related statutes, etc.:

1. “Services” means event services and all related services provided on the service platform (including website and mobile website and application) that is operated and managed by the Secretariat (hereinafter referred to as the “Platform”).
2. “Website” means an online event platform that is operated by the Secretariat for a prescribed period.
3. “Events” means events that provide content exhibitions, business counseling, meeting services (such as forums, seminars, discussions, etc.), and related services which the Secretariat runs on the Website).
4. “General Members (including attendees and spectators, etc.; the same hereinafter)” means Members who have completed the Membership registration procedures set forth on the Platform and have the right to attend the event.
5. “Non-Members” means those who have not registered as a Member on the Platform and are able to use the Services provided by the Secretariat on a limited basis. To the extent that a Non-Member uses the Services of the Secretariat, such Non-Member is governed by these Terms of Service as if he or she is a Member.
9. “Account Information” means all information related to a Member (or any person seeking to become a Member), including emails, etc. that a Member (or any person seeking to become a Member) provides to the Secretariat through the Platform.

Article 3 (Notifications and Amendments of These Terms of Service)

① The Secretariat takes measures to display these Terms of Service on the landing page of the Plat form or allow Members to view such Terms of Service through a linked page so that the contents thereof can be easily made known to Members.
② The Secretariat takes measures such as providing a customer center so that Members may ask the Secretariat a question about the contents of these Terms of Service.
③ The Secretariat may amend these Terms of Service to the extent that it does not violate related statutes such as the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, and the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.
④ In the event the Secretariat amends these Terms of Service, the Secretariat clearly states the date when such amendment becomes effective as well as the content of and the reasons for such amendment, etc. [in an announcement] and post such announcement for a period of 7 days until the effective date of the amended Terms of Service via the landing page or linked page of the Platform: Provided, That an announcement must be given 30 days before the effective date of an amendment to the contents of these Terms of Service, if such amendment is important or disadvantageous to Members. In this case, announcement may be replaced by sending individual notice to the registered emails of the Members or via text message (including messaging apps such as KakaoTalk).
⑤ After giving an announcement under Paragraph 4, the Secretariat confirms whether Members consent to the application of the amended Terms of Service: Provided, That in case where notice in accordance with Paragraph 4 above also indicates that Members will be deemed to have consented to such amendment if they do not explicitly indicate their intent to consent or refuse, and where the Member does not indicate their intent to refuse by the effective date of the amended Terms of Service, the Member is deemed to have confirmed and consented to the amended Terms of Service.
⑥ If a Member does not consent to the application of the amended Terms of Service, the Secretariat may not apply the amended Terms of Service to the Member and may terminate the Service Use Agreement. Members may also terminate the Service Use Agreement by withdrawing from Membership. If a Member does not withdraw from Membership and continues to use the Services from the date of announcement or the date of individual notice until the effective date of the amended Terms of Service without consenting to the amendment of the Terms of Service, the Member is deemed to have confirmed and consented to the amended Terms of Service.

Article 4 (Agreements Other than the Terms of Service)

① The Secretariat may enter into an separate agreement (terms and conditions) with Members apart from these Terms of Service, and in cases where the content of such separate agreement (terms and conditions) conflicts with that of these Terms of Service, such separate agreement (terms and conditions) prevails: Provided, That any content not specified therein (terms and conditions) is governed by these Terms of Service.
② In cases where Members have entered into a separate agreement or contract with each other in connection with the use of the Services, the Secretariat does not get involved in nor is responsible for such actions unless there are circumstances such as intervention by the Secretariat.
③ Any matter not specified in these Terms of Service is determined in accordance with the operating policies of the Secretariat, such as separate terms and conditions, and the provisions of relevant statutes, and general commercial practices.
④ In relation to these Terms of Service and the Services, any contents announced by the Secretariat through the Platform in accordance with the policy changes of the Secretariat, enactment and amendment of laws and regulations, public notices or guidelines of public institutions, etc. constitute a part of these Terms of Service.

Section 2. Execution of Service Use Agreements and Collection and Protection of Members’ Information

Article 5 (Service Use Agreements, etc.)

① A service use agreement regarding the Services provided by the Secretariat (hereinafter, the “Service Use Agreement”) is established when the Secretariat approves the application for use (Membership application) submitted by a person intending to use the Services.
② The Service Use Agreement under Paragraph 1 is established upon completion of the Membership registration procedure: Provided, That in the case of Corporate Members or Conference Members, a Service Use Agreement is established upon the approval by the Secretariat after completion of the Membership registration procedure .
③ The details of the Services provided under Service Use Agreements are provided separately for respective Membership categories.
④ Members are deemed to have acknowledged and understood the contents of these Terms of Service and have agreed to be governed by these Terms of Service by indicating their consent in the course of the Membership registration procedure. Therefore, before using the Services, Members must carefully read and understand these Terms of Service to prevent any disputes related to the use of the Services.
⑤ The Secretariat cannot be held liable for any situation or damages caused by Member’s ignorance of these Terms of Service, and such Member cannot claim indemnification or make argument against these Terms of Service for such ignorance.

Article 6 (Membership Applications and Approval, Restriction, etc.)

① A person seeking to become a Member must complete the Membership application procedure in accordance with the Membership registration procedures and methods determined by the Secretariat, and the Secretariat may request identity verification of the person, such as real name confirmation and authentication through a specialized agency and/ or request submission of additional documents.
② In principle, the Secretariat approves Membership applications by persons intending to become Members: Provided, That, with respect to Membership applications that fall under any of the following subparagraphs, Service Use Agreements may be refused or terminated after the fact:

1. If information required under the Membership registration procedures set forth by the Secretariat have not been provided or false information has been provided;
2. If the application has information identical to that of a registered Member;
3. If the person who intends to become a Member does not use his or her real name or uses other person’s name;
4. If the application is submitted by a person with a service use restriction record for reasons attributable to such person intending to become a Member;
5. If the application is submitted for the purpose of committing unlawful acts prohibited by laws and regulations;
6. If the application is submitted for the purpose of undermining the interests of the Secretariat;
7. If the person previously lost Membership status and has not obtained an approval from the Secretariat regarding re-registration as a Member;
8. If the person intending to become a Member is under 14 years of age;
9. If the person is incapable of acting under the Civil Act (minor, quasi-incompetent, incompetent) without consent of their legal representative; or
10. If it is deemed inappropriate to give an approval for reasons falling under any of the subparagraphs above.

③ If there is an application to register as a Corporate Member or a Conference Member, the Secretariat decides whether to grant an approval and give notice within 3 business days from the date when such membership registration is requested: Provided, That with respect to an application that falls under any of the following subparagraphs, [the Secretariat] may refuse to give an approval or may terminate the Service Use Agreement after the fact:

1. If the application falls under any of the subparagraphs in Paragraph 2 of this Article;

2. If any document, information, etc. additionally requested by the Secretariat to determine whether to approve the application have not been submitted; or

3. If the Secretariat determines that it is inappropriate to give an approval of registering as a Corporate Member or Conference Member.

④ In cases where capacity of facilities related to the Services is not sufficient, a technical or business issue arises, or an error on the Platform or the Services occurs, or in any other cases where it is difficult to approve Membership registration due to other equivalent reasons, the Secretariat may delay giving an approval for such Membership registration until the said reasons are resolved.

Article 7 (Collection of Information, etc.)

① Excluding Members’ personal information, the Secretariat may collect and utilize information on device (such as PC) setting and specification, system information, and error information in order to improve service quality, such as operation of the Services, program stabilization and error improvement, and confirmation on infection of malicious codes, etc.
② The Secretariat may save and store any and all communication that is made in relation to the Services provided by the Secretariat and is [exchanged] between the Secretariat and Members through chats, consultations (including consultations by phone), a notice board where opinions or information regarding the Services may be written and posted, etc. The Secretariat may view or use such communication information if deemed necessary for the purpose of mediating disputes between the Secretariat and a Member or between Members, handling civil complaints, or maintaining order in the use of the Services.

Article 8 (Members’ Information Management)

① The Secretariat manages matters in relation to Member’s use of the Services, including whether the Services are available to such Member through the Member’s Account Information, and carries out all tasks necessary therefor.
② Members are responsible for the management of their Account Information. Therefore, Members must not allow any third parties to use their Account Information. Members are liable for any damages arising from their carelessness in managing or protecting their Account Information.
③ If a Member becomes aware that their Account Information has been stolen or used by a third party, the Member must immediately notify the Secretariat of such theft or usage and follow the guidance thereof. If the Member does not immediately notify the Secretariat of such fact or, gives such notice but fails to comply with guidance of the Secretariat and such noncompliance gives rise to disadvantages or damage, the Secretariat is not liable for [such disadvantages and/or damages].
④ If the Secretariat deems that there are reasonable grounds for change of Account Information of a Member such as causing aversion to others, or being contrary to public morals, the Secretariat can request a change of such Account Information. Unless there are reasons for exceptions, the Member must make such change without delay on the date of such request.

Article 9 (Provision and Change of Member Information)

① If a Member is required to provide information to the Secretariat in accordance with these Terms of Service, the Member must provide truthful information. Such Member is liable for any disadvantages or damages caused by the provision of false information.
② Members may view and revise their Account Information details at any time through the Platform: Provided, That modification of certain information (ID) of the Account Information may not be possible, if the Secretariat needs such information for management of the Services.
③ If there is any change to information that a Member provided to the Secretariat at a time of Membership registration application, the Member must either directly make such modification on the Platform or inform the Secretariat of such change by email or other means and request such modification. The Member is liable for any disadvantages and/or damages arising from the Member’s failure to notify the Secretariat of such change.

Article 10 (Protection and Management of Personal Information)

The Secretariat strives to protect personal information of Members in accordance with the relevant statutes, including the Personal Information Protection Act and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. Protection and use of Members’ personal information is governed by the related statutes and the Privacy Policy of the Secretariat: Provided, That the Privacy Policy of the Secretariat is not applicable to the case where a Member uses a third-party website linked to the Platform or services provided by a third party.

Section 3. Provision of Services by the Secretariat

Article 11 (Services Provided by the Secretariat)

The details of the Services provided by the Secretariat through the Platform are as follows:
1. Event participation services;
2. Provision of Event-related information; and
3. All services related to each of the items above.

Article 12 (Changes of the Services and Revision Thereof)

① The Secretariat has comprehensive authority over the production, modification, maintenance, and repairing of the Services developed and planned by the Secretariat and may take necessary measures to maintain the order of the Services.
② The Secretariat may change the content of all or part of the Services being provided when there are considerable reasons such as deterioration of profits generated from the Services, technical and operational needs, a service agreement with a third party, etc., and announce such change through the Platform from 7 days prior to applying the changed Services until 1 day prior thereto: Provided, That in cases where there are unavoidable circumstances that make it impossible to give prior announcement, such announcement may be given after the fact.
③ In accordance with the operational policies and operational needs of the Secretariat, the Secretariat may modify, suspend or change all or part of the free services, and does not provide separate compensation to the Members unless otherwise prescribed by the relevant statutes.

Article 13 (Provision and Suspension of Services, etc.)

① The Secretariat commences the Services from the time the Member’s application for the use of the Services is approved (when Membership registration is completed): Provided, That the Secretariat may choose to commence some of the Services from a specific point in time or provide such services to specific Members (such as Corporate Members or Conference Members who receive specific Services as determined by the Secretariat).
② In principle, the Services are provided 24 hours a day during the operation of the Website: Provided, That such provision of the Services may be restricted on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and weekdays after 6 PM depending on the nature of the Services or the policies of the Secretariat.
③ Notwithstanding Paragraph 2, in cases falling under any of the following subparagraphs, the Services might be cancelled or might not be provided for a certain period of time, and in such cases, the Secretariat is not obliged to provide the Services:

1. If necessary for maintenance check-ups, replacements, or regular inspections of information and communications facilities such as computers or modification of the Services;
2. If necessary for responding to electronic intrusions such as hacking, communications accidents, abnormal use of the Services by Members, or unexpected instability of the Services;
3. If related statutes prohibit provision of the Services at a certain time or in a certain manner; or
4. If normal provision of the Services is impossible due to natural disasters, national emergencies, power failure, malfunction of service facility, extreme traffic in using the Services, etc.

④ In cases falling under any of the subparagraphs of Paragraph 3, the Secretariat notifies the Members of such fact through the Platform: Provided, That in cases where any unavoidable circumstance makes it impossible for the Secretariat to give prior announcement or notice to the Members, such announcement or notice may be given after such circumstance is resolved.

Article 14 (Provision of Information and Advertisements by the Secretariat)

① For the convenience of the Members, the Secretariat may provide various information and advertisements deemed necessary for the use of the Services by delivering them to the Members or posting them on the Platform by means of email, mail, mobile text message, telephone, alert, etc.

② The Platform may include various forms of advertisement, such as banners and links, which may be linked to pages offered by third parties. Given that such pages are not within the area of the Services of the Secretariat, the Secretariat does not guarantee reliability, stability, etc. thereof, and the Secretariat is not liable for any damages arising therefrom and suffered by the Members.

Section 4. Obligations of the Parties

Article 15 (Obligations of the Secretariat)

① In providing the Services, the Secretariat does not engage in acts that are prohibited by relevant statutes, or these Terms of Service, or are contrary to public order and/or good morals, and makes its best efforts to continue to provide the Services to the Members in a stable manner.

② Unless there are unavoidable reasons such as natural disasters, emergencies, or other equivalent reasons or defects and/or errors that cannot be resolved by the current technology, the Secretariat makes its best efforts to immediately repair or restore facilities or data when such facilities are damaged or such data, etc. is destroyed while carrying out service improvement measures for continuous and stable provision of the Services: Provided, That if facilities of a partner company are damaged or data, etc. is destroyed due to the intent or negligence of the partner company, the Secretariat is exempted from liability unless there is willful or gross negligence by the Secretariat

③ In the event where a Member suffers damages due to the Services provided by the Secretariat, the Secretariat is liable for such damages only if they are caused by the intent or gross negligence of the Secretariat and the scope of such liability corresponds to ordinary damages.

Article 16 (Obligations of Members)

① Members have the obligation to check and comply with the provisions of these Terms of Service, guidance on the use of the Services, announcements given in connection therewith, and matters notified by the Secretariat, etc.

② Members must not engage in the following activities (including equivalent activities). The specific activities set out in each of the following subparagraphs are examples:

1. Inducing, recommending, or suggesting direct transactions other than through the Platform of the Secretariat;

2. Installing or disseminating programs such as abnormal system access, malicious codes, viruses, etc. intentionally or negligently;

3. Using services in an abnormal manner or registering as a Member with false information or other person’s information;

- Using multiple accounts without justifiable reasons;

- Intentionally withdrawing or re-registering an account to delete any unfavorable information in the account;

4. Entering false or exaggerated information;

5. Entering or using information that facilitates identification such as trade names (names), logos and other trademarks, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, etc within the Platform operated by the Secretariat without prior consent or permission of the Secretariat;

6. Violating public order or discriminating or promoting prejudice on the basis of gender, politics, religion, disability, age, social status, race, region, occupation, etc.;

7. Discriminating against or slandering the Secretariat, other Members, or third parties, or engaging in acts of violence, abusive language, intimidation, or defamation;

8. Registering information that goes against public morals, such as depicting excessive body exposure or obscene acts, sharing information related to sex trafficking, or posting content that can cause other person to feel sexual humiliation or displeasure;

9. Engaging in abnormal activities that go against social norms such as displaying offensive photos or contents, or using swear words, profanity, or slang;

10. Infringing on other person’s rights or engaging in any act that infringes or is likely to infringe on intellectual property rights of the Secretariat, other Members, or third parties, such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc.;

- Engaging in any act that infringes or is likely to infringe on the rights of other person, such as using a web hacking program, a macro program, and/or a mirror site for voice phishing;

11. Selling, transferring, or lending accounts or the information within accounts to others, authorizing others to use such accounts or information, or attempting to engage in such actions or recommending such actions;

12. Impersonating other Members, third parties, or employees of the Secretariat by misrepresentation, misappropriation, etc.;

13. Interfering with the interests (business) of the Secretariat;

- Using the Services for profit, business, advertising, political activities, etc. without the consent of the Secretariat;

- Engaging in conduct that is prohibited by the related statutes or is not permitted under good morals or other social norms, or that adversely affects the seamless provision of the Services; or

14. Engaging in other acts equivalent to any of the subparagraphs above.

Article 17 (Prohibition of Assignment)

Members must not assign or donate the rights to use the Services based on these Terms of Service nor the rights, status, etc. under the Service Use Agreements to any third party, and must not provide such rights, status, etc. as collateral to any third party.

Article 18 (Sanctions, etc. Against Members for Breaches of Obligations)

① If a Member breaches the provisions of these Terms of Service, the Secretariat may impose the following sanctions on the breaching Member in consideration of the importance of the matter and any disadvantages or damages suffered by the other Members, third parties, or the Secretariat:

1. Simple warning: The Secretariat may take measures to notify a Member who has breached his or her obligations under these Terms of Service of the relevant details, such as the details of the breach, the time of the breach, etc., and warn such Member not to commit such breach. In cases where the same breach of obligations is repeated more than two times after such warning, the Secretariat may restrict the Member’s use of the Services or terminates the Service Use Agreement;

2. Demand for corrective measures: The Secretariat may also demand [implementation of] corrective measures regarding the breach of the Member’s obligations. The Secretariat is exempt from liability for any disadvantages or damages that arise when the Member has not carried out such corrective measures. If such correction has not been made within the 30 days from the date of requesting such corrective measures, the Secretariat may restrict the Member’s use of the Services or terminate the Service Use Agreement;

3. Restriction on the use of the Services: The Secretariat may restrict Members’ use of the Services for a prescribed period or within the prescribed scope of the Services. In such cases, Members cannot exercise their rights as Members to the extent restricted by the Secretariat;

4. Termination of Service Use Agreement: The Secretariat may terminate a Service Use Agreement temporarily or permanently, preventing the relevant Member from using the Services;

5. Other measures or sanctions deemed necessary by the Secretariat.

② In the process of sanctioning under this Article, the Secretariat may provide individual notice through the email of the relevant Member.

③ Members may, within 7 days from the date of receiving the notice under Paragraph 2, provide a vindication of the details of the sanction imposed by the Secretariat, and send such vindication to the Secretariat through the email address of the Secretariat or customer center posted on the Platform.

③ The Secretariat conducts only a formal review based on the evidentiary materials submitted with respect to the vindication provided pursuant to Paragraph 3, and does not conduct a substantive review. Therefore, the Member that delivered the vindication may not raise an objection to the review of the Secretariat nor request a review on substantive contents.

④ In the event a Member breaches these Terms of Service and causes damages to the Secretariat and/ or a third party (including other Members), the Member must indemnify the Secretariat and the third party from and against the damages caused thereby.

Section 5. Contents Concerning Copyright, etc.

Article 19 (Members’ Copyrights)

Copyrights to the contents directly produced by a Member and posted or uploaded by such Member on the Platform in accordance with these Terms of Service (including marks, characters, figures, colors, voices, sounds, sound sources, images, videos, etc. (including composites thereof); the same hereinafter) are owned by the Member, and the Secretariat has the right to post (including the right to modify, process, summarize, excerpt, and aggregate) the contents to the extent necessary for the seamless provision of the Services within the Platform.

Article 20 (Management Plan for Contents, etc. Made by Members)

① If content a Member posts on the Platform falls under any of the following subparagraphs, the Secretariat prohibits posting of such content:

1. In case such content does not conform with the purpose of use of the Services;
2. In case such content infringes on the rights of a third party through directly providing personal information of the third party, etc.;

3. In case such content induces, recommends, or suggests direct transactions without using the Platform of the Secretariat;

4. In case such content is inconsistent with or unrelated to objective facts with respect to the Secretariat or the Services (e.g., contents that defame personal character or reputation of Members, etc., contents that disparage the Services of the Secretariat or undermines credibility thereof without justifiable grounds);

5. In case such content breaches these Terms of Service or is deemed illegal, obscene, or vulgar;

6. In case such content slanders or defames other Member or a third party;

7. In case such content violates public order or good morals;

8. In case such content deemed to involve criminal conduct;

9. In case such content infringes on a third party’s portrait rights, copyrights, or other rights; or

10. In case such content violates other related statutes.

② In cases where contents that fall under any of the subparagraphs in Paragraph 1 are posted on the Platform, the Secretariat may take necessary measures such as deletion, deactivation, etc. at its discretion.

③ If a Member infringes on the copyright of other Member or a third party, the Secretariat may delete or re-post the content in question at the request of the copyright holder or the Member in accordance with the procedures set forth in related statutes such as the Copyright Act, and in this case the Secretariat is exempted from liabilities. Any civil or criminal liability arising from a Member’s infringement of rights such as the copyrights, etc., of other Member or a third party is borne solely by the infringing Member.

Article 21 (Copyrights and Other Rights of the Secretariat and the Obligations of Members Arising Thereunder)

① The copyrights and other intellectual property rights to the contents produced by the Secretariat belong to the Secretariat. With respect to the Services, the Secretariat grants its Members only the right to use the Services in accordance with the conditions of use by the Secretariat, and Members must not use the contents posted on the Platform for commercial purposes such as by processing or selling information obtained through the use of the Services and they must not take an act of disposition such as assignment for consideration, onerous transfer of the ownership, provision of collateral, etc. regarding the contents.

① Members must not copy, transmit, publish, distribute, broadcast, or use by any other means, or allow any third party to use any information that is obtained by using the Services provided by the Secretariat and whose intellectual property rights, etc. belong to the Secretariat or a third party without the prior consent of the Secretariat or the third party. For avoidance of doubt, such usage include both for-profit and non-profit usages.

② The intellectual property rights and other rights related to the Services provided by the Secretariat, and the software, images, marks, logos, designs, Service names, information and trademarks, etc. required therefor, belong to the Secretariat. Unless otherwise expressly approved by the Secretariat, Members may not engage in any commercial use of any asset specified above, such as modification, lease, loan, sale, distribution, production, transfer, licensing, or establishment of security interest, in whole or in part, and must not allow any third party to do so.

Section 6. Termination of Service Use Agreements

Article 22 (Withdrawal of Membership)

① Members may apply for termination of the Service Use Agreement (Membership withdrawal) at any time through the Secretariat (customer center) of the Platform. In such cases, the Secretariat may request the necessary procedures, such as verification of Member identity, etc., and makes efforts to process such procedures in a timely manner.

② In the case of Paragraph 1, the Secretariat shall immediately delete the information of the withdrawing Member, except in cases where there are separate storage laws or regulations or the internal rules of the Secretariat.

③ If a Member withdraws its Membership, the Secretariat may delete texts or comments posted by the withdrawing Member on the Platform at its discretion.

Article 23 (Termination by the Secretariat)

① In the event a Member breaches the provisions of these Terms of Service or in cases falling under any of the following subparagraphs, the Secretariat sets a period of up to 10 days and give notice to the Member to cure such breach, and if such cure is not completed within the prescribed period, the Secretariat may terminate the Service Use Agreement: Provided, That in cases where a Member has caused damages to the Secretariat due to a violation of the applicable laws or intent or gross negligence, the Service Use Agreement may be terminated without prior notice:

1. In case of the data provided by the Member has been found to be false;
2. In case of a relation to criminal activity;
3. In case where the Services are used or planned to be used for the purpose of hindering the national interest or social interest;
4. In case where the person’s Service account and password have been misappropriated;
5. In case where the reputation of other person is harmed or disadvantages are given to other person
6. In case where the same user registers redundantly using a different ID;
7. In case of interference with the sound use of the Services; or
8. In case of violation of related statutes or the conditions of use prescribed by the Secretariat

In cases where the Secretariat terminates the Service Use Agreement with a specific Member, the Secretariat notifies the relevant Member of such termination by writing, email, or other such means stating the grounds for termination and the date thereof.

Section 7. Limitation of Liability of the Secretariat, etc.

Article 24 (Limitation of Liability of the Secretariat)

① If the Secretariat cannot provide the Services due to war, upheaval, natural disaster, emergency, technical defect that cannot be resolved with the current technology, or other such force majeure events, the Secretariat is exempted from the responsibility of providing the Services.

② The Secretariat is not liable for any suspension of use of the Services, hindrance to use thereof, and/or termination of a Service Use Agreement [suffered by a Member] due to a cause attributable to such Member.

③ If a Service Use Agreement is terminated due to a cancellation, etc. of a Service Use Agreement by a Member or the Secretariat, excluding cases in which the Secretariat retains the Member’s information in accordance with the relevant statutes and/or the Privacy Policy, the Secretariat may delete the Member’s Account Information and all related data immediately upon such termination in order to create a better Service environment, etc., and the Secretariat is not liable for the deletion of Account Information and the related data of Members after the termination of Service Use Agreement: Provided, That such information and data may be retained for a reasonable time frame in a case where it is necessary to retain such information and data for a certain period of time after termination.

④ If a Member suffers damages from a key telecommunications business operator’s suspension of or failure to provide normal telecommunications services, the Secretariat is exempted from liability unless there is intent or gross negligence of the Secretariat.

⑤ If the Services are suspended or disabled due to unavoidable reasons such as repair, replacement, regular inspection, construction, etc. of Service system facilities which have been announced in advance, the Secretariat is exempted from liability unless there is intent or gross negligence of the Secretariat.

⑥ The Secretariat is exempted from liability for any problems arising from the status of Member’s mobile device, computer, etc., or from a network environment that does not involve the intent or gross negligence of the Secretariat.

⑦ The Secretariat is not liable for the information, materials, or the reliability, accuracy, etc. of facts posted by Members or third parties in connection with the Services unless there is intent or gross negligence of the Secretariat.

⑧ The Secretariat is not liable for any loss or damages arising as a result of the participation of Members in the promotional activities of third parties or their communications or transactions listed on or through the Services, unless specified otherwise in the relevant statutes or caused by the intent or gross negligence of the Secretariat.

⑨ The Secretariat has no obligation to intervene in cases where a Member engages in transactions through the use of the Services with other Member or a third party, and has no liability to compensate damages arising therefrom.

⑩ The Secretariat is not liable for any losses suffered by a Member in connection with the use of the services provided free of charge, unless caused by the intent or gross negligence of the Secretariat.

⑪ The Secretariat is exempted from liability for any damages caused by Member’s failure to enter correct information or failure to provide information such as personal information and email address unless there is intent or gross negligence of the Secretariat.

⑫ The Secretariat is exempted from liability if it is unable to provide Services under the relevant statutes, government policies, etc.

⑬ If damages to the Secretariat arise or a criminal penalty or sanction is imposed by an investigative agency or administrative agency due to an illegal act of a Member or Member’s violation of these Terms of Service, such Member must indemnify and hold the Secretariat harmless against such damages (including, but not limited to, compensation for damages, litigation costs, attorneys’ fees, etc.) at the cost and expense of such Member.

Article 25 (Complaint Handling and Dispute Settlement by Secretariat)

In consideration of the convenience of the Members, the Secretariat provides guidance within the Platform on how Members can present opinions or complaints. In case such opinions or complaints are deemed to be objectively justified, the Secretariat promptly processes such opinions or complaints within a reasonable time frame.

Article 26 (Notice to Members)

When the Secretariat gives notice to a Member, it may do so by using email, phone number, or other means registered by the Member unless otherwise stipulated in these Terms of Service: Provided, That in case of notifying all Members, [the Secretariat] may substitute such notice by posting an announcement via the Platform.

Article 27 (Invalidation)

If any section, sub-section, provision, clause, or portion of these Terms of Service is invalid, the remaining provisions of these Terms of Service remain valid and in full effect.

Article 28 (Dispute Resolution)

① In the event of dispute arising in relation to these Terms of Service, the Secretariat and the Member that are the parties to the dispute must make their best efforts to resolve such dispute.
② If any dispute arises between Members in the course of using the Services, the Secretariat does not intervene nor is involved in the dispute, unless the Secretariat’s willful or gross negligence is the cause, and does not share any liabilities related thereto.

Article 29 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

① Any legal proceedings, lawsuits and alike (hereinafter, “lawsuits”) filed between the Secretariat and any Members are governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea.
② Any lawsuits regarding disputes arising between the Secretariat and any Members are exclusively governed by the district court with jurisdiction over the address of the Member at the time of filing such lawsuit, and if there is no address, the place of residence thereof: Provided, That if the address or residence of the Member at the time of filing such lawsuit is not clear, the competent court is determined in accordance with the Civil Procedure Act.

These Terms of Service enters into force on and is applied from June 10, 2024